Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” —Matthew 19:14
In DaySpring We delight in providing our children with a true experience with God, which is accomplished through sound, biblically-based teaching.


DaySpring Childern’s Ministry partners with parents to: * Grow/Build children as Christ-followers and teach them to share their faith * Build children to become great worshippers & prayer warriors * Teach children to make wise choices & decisions using the foundation of the Scripture * Support families with fun, creative ways to enhance each child’s spiritual journey.

Early Childhood Kids Church. Kids Church is Elementary aged children learning a different Bible story each week relating to a monthly theme. By having age-specific worship, interactive Bible teaching, memory verses, and team times that are designed to relate to their world, we can show them how important it is to learn our monthly theme.

Summer Activities: Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a Three days to One week Bible studies packed with fun! Kids enjoy arts and crafts, outside activities, Bible study, and worship experiences.